Values & Chart
A Christians, with the Bible that brings light, we have a greater capacity to see the imperfections as well the weaknesses of each other. We decide to put emphasis on :
- Love and not on the weaknesses of others.
- Common points and not on differences.
- Our strengths and not on weaknesses.
- Respect of others in the body without judgments.
- Mutual trust than mistrust.
- Commitment of one and others than on competition.
- Mutual aid and solidarity than on individualism.
The Association “The Jesus March Montreal” is a non-profit organization governed by the laws of the province of Quebec that have a charity number that allows to give income taxes receipts. It is composed of people that :
- Believe that Jesus is the son of God (Jn 3:16), that he died for our sins ( 1 Corinthians 15:3) , that he is resurrected from the dead and intercedes now for us at the right hand side of the father ( Romans 8:34)
- Adhere to the following foundations principles established in 1987 by the founders of the Movement : La « Marche Pour Jésus » est le témoignage public de chrétiens de toutes confessions qui veulent ensemble louer, prier et proclamer Jésus-Christ Seigneur dans les rues de leur ville. La « Marche Pour Jésus » n’est pas l’œuvre d’une église, d’une dénomination ou d’une confession particulière.
The « Jesus March » is :
- The public testimony of Christians of all confession that wants together worship, pray and proclaim Jesus-Christ Lord on the streets of their city.
- Open to all believers that confesses Jesus-Christ as Lord and Savior.
- A factor of reconciliation and unity between Christians of different denominations and confessions and of diverse ethnical groups or coming of a different nation.
- It is not the work of a church, denomination or of a particular confession.
- The « Jesus March » and the slogan « I march for Jesus » as the wishes of the founders does not belong to someone. However, the Logo and the graphic chart belongs to the groups that put them in place and cannot be taken back without their authorization.